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Collaborative Divorce Coaching and Parent Planning | Liz Wolff Workshop

Divorce Coaching and Parent Planning

The Dimensions of Divorce

Divorce is a time of extreme stress and increased vulnerability. Divorce is comprised of five major dimensions:

  • Cognitive
  • Emotional
  • Residential
  • Financial
  • Legal

Successful uncoupling requires that individuals work through each dimension. The emotional and cognitive elements are the work of therapy. The legal, financial and residential must be completed in consultation with individual legal counsel.

The Road to Healing

Liz believes that those who commit to divorce without litigation, and who co-create solutions that are their own, will emerge with their dignity intact, their children strong and their new lives rich with promise. In her experience, settlement can often be reached using negotiated outcomes that reflect the unique needs and best interests of the separating parents and their children. 

As a Divorce Coach, Liz guides individuals and families in their recovery from the emotions of shock, grief, anger, fear loneliness and a diminished sense of self-worth. Management of the emotional dimension facilitates resolution of the financial and legal tasks. Liz assists the partners with plans for shared parenting that reflect their commitment to their children’s long-term growth and well-being. 

Liz is highly skilled in the development of Parent Plans that reflect children’s best interests based on their unique developmental stages and needs. Her parent plans are clear and detailed and contemplate foreseeable points of contention between the parties. This helps to avoid conflict in the future. No one knows their own children as well as parents do. It makes sense that they should be the ones who develop this formal plan.


“Liz was a guide and a mentor in one of the most challenging times in my life. Until I met Liz, the process of divorce felt confusing and overwhelming and, despite reaching out to other professionals it continued to be difficult to find answers. It was a world that was completely unknown and felt cold and void of understanding about what mattered most to me and my children. 

The swirl of decisions and emotions were at times unbearable, but Liz offered a path forward. She gave me grounding, a voice, and direction informed by my unique situation. She reminded me to take care of myself and was there to guide me, to gently push through the difficult discussions and negotiations that would shape the future. 

Liz has extensive knowledge of the divorce process and intimately understood the dramatic impact separation had on the children and on me. Liz’s compassion, coupled with her tenacious, optimistic spirit helped me to move through the challenges and grief into a place where I could see opportunities and goodness. When the process was met with significant roadblocks, Liz knew what professionals to contact and the next steps to take. She was a trusted liaison, drawing in other professionals to mediate through the situation. Liz focussed on and returned me to what was important, working toward a final resolution that was the best outcome for my kids. 

Liz, thank you for your gentle and kind approach and validating my experience. You carried me and drew out the voice in me. I will be forever grateful”. 

Naomi – Mother of three young children