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Healing from Trauma | Liz Wolff Workshop

Healing from Trauma

What is Trauma?

The helping profession has been slow to recognize the insidious and long-term impact of trauma. The term ‘trauma’ is used to describe the emotional experience following an incident or a series of events that exceed one’s capacity to cope. Post trauma experiences include feelings of shock and disbelief, helplessness, flashbacks, unpredictable emotions, strained relationships, physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches, paralyzing fear and a shattered sense of safety. 

It is critical to understand that every person deals with trauma in a unique and personal way. This can mean that the effects they suffer, and the severity of their symptoms can vary wildly. It is also normal for the effects to come and go, sometimes for years. For children, the impact is much greater. Unable to articulate the experience, they store it in the brain where it lingers as emotions that might be expressed through non-adaptive behaviours at some point in their lives. 

Liz is Here to Support You

Liz has clinical training at a Post Master’s Degree level in assessing and treating PTS and PTSD. She will work with your physician, if necessary and desired. She will suggest interventions for the recovery process and restore a sense of control and safety to your world. 


“I have been a client with Liz Wolff for about three years now. After doing a thorough assessment, she diagnosed me with PTSD, and has been walking with me through this healing journey ever since. Liz’s unique combination of training, decades of experience, and her own life story are resources that she draws on in her work with me. She is professional but warm and relatable. She is a safe person, and her office is always a safe place. Liz’s support has been essential to my being able to acknowledge the horrors of my childhood, to understand that they are real and to come out the other side more functional than when I went in. Many of my trauma symptoms are less severe, than when I first started working with her, and when memories are triggered and I am pushed back into those symptoms, I can now recognize it a lot sooner and use strategies she has taught me to move back into a positive direction; and Liz is always available to process these experiences with me. I know, I’m known and loved and not alone. Thank you, Liz. I thank God for you.”
